One of the many installments designed by Rei Kawakubo, Comme des Garcons Shirt is an innovative, shirt-centric collection. The brand aims to apply creative and deconstructed spins on basic everyday garments. Apparel is reinvented with bold and amusing colors, prints, and patchwork, along with diverse patterns and fabrics in Classic Kawakubo style.
SS19 consists of a variety of garments including shirts, windbreakers, shorts, and pants. Color-blocking and patchwork patterns are emphasized heavily on striped oxfords while bottoms like track pants, woven pants, casual pants and an assortment of shorts are also included.
Comme des Garcons Shirt Spring/Summer '19 is now available in-store, online and via our EB app.
Photography: @amytorresphoto
Model: @dawglus